Dariush Tolooee

With 2 years in the industry, Dariush Tolooee has a compelling drive for business and strives for excellence, which allows him to navigate the murkiest of waters. He leads up "The Command Center" so that contracts and deadlines are constantly monitored, eliminating costly delays. Dariush's insight into the desires of Gen-X and Millennial buyers brings an additional layer of knowledge to the team.

Dariush has keen ability to pay attention to details when it comes to assisting with various contract preparation, tracking schedules, transaction management and managing resources. This skillset makes him the best candidate to run the “command center” which provides Matt and Haelee more time for a more meaningful and effective customer interface while running and managing the company.

Dariush is certified with extensive background and knowledege as a personal trainer, health and nutrition. He has implemented many ideas for healthier habits and ergonomically designed office environment which leads to higher productivity and job satisfaction.