
Real Estate Sales, Investments & Consulting

  • Currently 18 licensed brokers and growing
  • Local market expertise
  • Extended marketing reach
  • Increased brand recognition
  • Specialties in listing, buyer agency, transaction coordination, valuation, marketing, accounting, and back-office support continuosly

Locations & Brand Recognition

  • Two Locations:
  • 106 N Tejon St. Colorado Springs, CO 80903
    501 S Cherry St. #1100 Denver, CO 80246
  • Both located in retail office space for a maximum visibility and high traffic count
  • Modern Store front with LED window displays for 24 hour advertisment of current listings
  • $3-5M walk-in traffic volume per year
  • 40 years of brand recognition with Colorado-Headquartered Metro Brokers

Click Here To View Our Stats Throughout the past Three Years


Remodeled Over 750 Homes Over The Past Eight Years

  • Simple Remodels:
    Paint, Flooring, Land, Minor Repairs
  • Complex:
    Mold, Asbestos, Meth, Full Remodel
  • Structural:
    Foundation repairs, Structural support
  • Team Of Skilled Labor:
    General Contractors, 10 years of working relationships
  • New Construction
    Garages, Carports and Cottages (ADU'S):

Regional Regulations & Zoning

  • Extensive experience with land entitlement, Replat
  • Infrastructure and New utility services
  • Trained and experienced with CO water laws

Local Building Code & Mandates

  • Extensive experience with building codes & regulations
  • Permit Process
  • Fees & Limitations